



Wanted people to know that Ian's June 2 date probably works for Irene and me. Would depend on how life shapes up closer to date. Would be great to see Ian's show and really fun to see many of you again. Do think about that date as suggested by Ian or another in early June. This note seems awfully informational for this crowd but......!!!!!!

It sounds like the June 2 date is best for most. Should we make the June 2 date "offical" and start planning from there?
June 2 sounds good from here as well. Cheryl and I and maybe a kid or two hope to attend.
Okay, okay. I'm in family negotiations for June 2 now, as well. I'm trying to bring the fam. I said to Karl, "I'd really like you guys to meet my friends, and I'd like them to meet you, too." He kind of muttered an unenthused "hmmmph." I think, as a fellow graduate of 1978, he's picturing a bunch of people in platform shoes doing the bump. I told him we've all grown up, but this is belied by the stories of blog sniping continued angst over who got "Most Dramatical."

But...you have to heed the call of the TAB. So I'm working on it.
Kim, Karl knows (and loves) me. That should help your cause. Now I have to get that June 2nd date free myself...
He does love you, it cannot be denied.
Kim!!!!!! Grown up!!!!! Com'on!!!!
Should work for me. Frank may want to come to the show also. Kim, should we pick up your mom?
Okay- June 2. Give me a few days and I'll post something with a bit more details.
Should we plan on giving ourselves and your cast flowers and little notes backstage? Will there be a cast party we can attend?
At the cast party, if you're lucky, I'll do my KISS impression.

(If anyone remmebers that from 1978, you have my sincerest apologies)
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