

RSS feed

If you look to the left, above Dave, you'll notice TABISHLAND now has an RSS feed. If you know what an RSS feed is you'll probably be excited. If you don't know what it is, you'll be able to get updates whenever there is something new on this blog. There is some information if you click the chicklet and go to the FeedBurner site. Or ask your kids how to set it up. I'll probably regret doing this, won't I?

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Which reader do we use? I tried RSS but it just took me to Tabishland in a different set up.

Yes, you will regret this, just as you have probably regretted everything else.
After all we've done, I think Tabish should buy us iPhones so we can really stay connected.
You need an RSS feed reader; they are sometimes called aggrigators. If you use Firefox as a brower, use the Sage extension. Safari has a built in RSS function. I don't know about IE or Netscape. Start here.
So use Firefox instead of Netscape? IDK Netscape's feed readers either. I got Firefox recently when I watched a computer video. Don was so thrilled.

Kim, this is what we've been wanting. Well, one of the things we've been wanting.
Thanks Joe!

I was so excited I forgot before.
I want a LOT.

But thanks, Joe, it's a start ;-)
In general I'd say use Firefox instead of any other browser. It's much more secure and since it's open source there are tons of great enhancements and extensions you can add to it. There's even one that checks every day to see if Abe Vigoda is still alive.
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