

Questions 3 and 4

While we're on a roll, and on a less serious note (if that's possible with us), here are two questions my son asks now and then:

1) If you could be an animal, which one would you be (and why?)

2) Which superhero would you be?

...and to please Jeff (because aren't we all about pleasing Jeff?) I'll go first.

1) A dog. I would love to have that kind of live-in-the-moment, happy attitude.

2) The powers of Superman. The body of Wonder Woman. *sigh*
1) Eric Burden- 'cause he got tehe girls

2)mmm. tough one. I would have to say Lintman (from The Legendary Mystery Solvers) because that Lint-mobile was awesome.
Since Ian/anonymous beat me to the Animals joke,

1. Dog cause they get all the cute girls.

2. The Shadow. The ability to cloud people's minds would go a long long way. If I was a Supervillian it would have to be The Monarch.

Miranda says
1. Cat because they are sweet and warm all winter and they don't have to take showers.
2. "Hmm. That's a tough one." (that's a quote.) Wonder Woman.

CE says
1. Giraffe because they are closer to heaven.
2. Elastigirl so when you're pulled in all different directions it wouldn't hurt so much.
I just forgot to log-in. I wasn;t trying to be anonymous on purpose.
1. A brightly plumed bird. I'd love to see the earth from a bird's view in flight. And brightly plumed because why be drab when you can be gorgeous?

2. Wonder Woman. The body. The power. The wristlets. The great theme song.
I have to side with Nell on the bird, don’t really care about the plumage as long as I could dive in the ocean.

Joe, help me here, I would want to be able to be invisible and fly around the world. It would be great to sneak in on top-secret meetings and wield some positive influence, like global Tabish Day for instance.

John Bonham over Keith Moon anyday.
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