

Question 2

Is there an archive of the verbiage that has appeared after "Community of friends and students of Dave Tabish" at the top of the blog? Hope so.

Nell once volunteered to compile a dictionary of "blog lingo", eg. "blingo".

My new favorite site is "slangsite.com", if anyone cares.

Anyone for some more Tab-ku?:

To be or not,hark,
Whence The Bard doth reach his peake?
Ellicott City!
Actually, what I meant was the part up top there: drama teacher, mentor, and kickboxing legend; a virtual room for mental Twister™. Frontal lobe/green! Anterior lobe/blue! You sunk my battleship!! :-(
Ah, the Blogtionary. Yes, those words are somewhere. "Verifeasy" and "verifard" have actually become part of my vocabulary. The kids know what I mean when I use those words in a sentence.

Anyway, Liza, I know what you mean. Our Blogstrator, (blog administrator, if you will) Joe, would be the one to ask. How 'bout it Mr. Pino?
Uh no.
What ho, this God of Blogfate?
Joey the Pino.
Joey the Pino. He'll probably kill you for that. But it does make for good Tab-ku.
Timmy. Kimmy. Nelly. Jeffy.

Iany? Juliannie? Liza-y? Eric-y?

Gracie...oh wait, we already do that.
Just when you think this blog is finally dead, you go and offend a few people and it really livens things up.
It slays me that Liza put a "TM" next to the "Twister". It's so........so.........Liza.
Okay, another nickname I severely dislike is "Nelly" or "Nellie". I used to get it at the pharmacy from these old guys, I suppose because Nell is an old-fashioned name and they knew girls as Nellie. But Yuck! That's not me.

I thought Joe originally put the "TM" by Twister, but only he can verify that now as I see we're playing with paste these days.
I don't mind being called Kimmie - it's what my brothers call me. Of course I prefer to be called "your majesty most high goddess of life and light," but, you know, I'm easy.

Where the hell is Ianny? You out there, boy?
Coming up for air tonight- just in the thick of work/life, etc... Lot's of 14 hour days in a row.

I have tomorrow off and got comped to see the Kirov perform Rossini's viaggio a Reims at the Kennedy Center. I'm really looking forward to it.
Alas! No record?!? This is quite a loss.

Tim...(uh)...my, the trademark TM was indeed Joe..(uh)..y's original post. No doubt a sign of his scrupulous attention to blog propriety. I just had copied and pasted from the top title.
Sucking up to "The Man", playing by corporate rules of intellectual property and copyright....it's....so......so.....not Joe.
I have often wondered about the wording of this blog heading -- my name is there remember!!! When I drop in and review that thing I often wonder from where the @#$%Z&!!! all that stuff derives. I ponder with a huge HUh? Yours truly, DAVEY!!!!!!!!!!
Well....Davey....I think the original sub-heading was all about stuff you had said, although it's devolved since then - Elvis and paste not having much to do with those years, except I do remember finding out Elvis had died on the way to PVP.

But the heading about rides not being fun but rewarding and everything being painted brown...c'mon, now.
AND, I'm not too clear about it being your name and all anymore, Joe holding the trademark and everything.
It's a complicated inside joke. Joey'd explain it but you wouldn't get it.
UPS holds the trademark on "brown". Joey holds it on "Tabishland", but I have all the Tabish.com variations and plan to auction them on eBay.

My collection of Tab-ku is now available on amazon.com.

Of course, the SENDRACS swag can be had from Liza at cafepress.

The 20,000th visitor to Tabishland will recieve a voucher for either bunion surgery by GD, hernia repair from me, a VIP pass for a summer o' The Bard, a virtual condo from Ron in SecondLife or one of Kim's dogs.

I'm frankly disappointed at the commercialization of the blog, but at least Paris Hilton has posted here yet.

This was bound to happen.
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