

Fact of the Day: The Green Room

Does anyone remember whether the places we waited in were actually green?

Funny. Our Green Room is actually green, but we call it "The Black Lodge".
I always love it when things are verbified!
And then go FISHING!!!!
Strangely, it's looking less and less like I'm going to be able to come to this thing....
Dang Kim. I thought you'd want to attend in your Guns and Camo gear.

I've heard it's the shizzah in eN-Jay.
I STILL thought the idea was to see Ian's show. Scheduling may be problematic here as well. I won't know til much closer to June.
The Vietnam trip is off for me, so I'm more flexible, I just need a little lead time to put in a request to be offcall. We may just have to pick a date and hope for the best. A Saturday would be best for me.

Kim, you're welcome to wear the Duke blue shirt.
Well, yeah, as a vegetarian and a teetotaler, everytime the talk goes to drinking and meat eating, I get a little less excited about any given event. Plus I have to confess a personal revulsion at eating shellfish, which are usually boiled or broiled alive (I used to work in a restaurant.. this may have contributed to my current eating habits).

THAT being said, it is true I can always entertain myself while others are fishing or whatever they'd like to do. Ultimately, it will be a scheduling issue for me, too, but I appreciate your concern, Gracie.

AND, I would like to see As You Like It because the head honcho has asked me to write music for the show. Unless what I do sucks, in which case I would like to avoid it.

Finally, this just needs to be said: I LOVE to pose in hip waders. Everyone knows that about me.
I don't have to fish at all! We usually do our fishing on the OBX. I would love to see Ian's show, and I won't be drinking either, Kim! We're still in for the early June dates, but we also have some flexibility in the summer schedule.
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