

Dr. McWeinery: A Birthday Retrospective

WHO would have thought that this teeny babe (wait....WHO is that babe?) would one day grow up to be the McWeinery we all know and love today?
From his Junior High years, when he claimed to have been a mere stage hand, gazing at the IAJHS acting elite, when in fact he was guest starring on Star Trek, more Spocky than Spock himself!

To high school. Tim Weiner, star of stage, so important that he even got to scold the help. (I'm sorry, Nell. I'll make this up to you. I swear I will.)

Finally, adulthood: surgeon, dog-saver, friend...occasionally acting in skits for retiring teachers...blog star...getting his picture taken with beautiful women (shut up) who are wearing t-shirts about him, which were bought by a mutual friend we're now mad at (hey...it IS high school).

Tim: Happy Birthday! We're lucky to have you.

Happy Birthday Tim!

Kim, where have you BEEN? Oh I know, you were working on this b-day retrospective. I missed you!

By the way, if memory serves, that photo of me & McWeinery is from YCTIWY, one of the shows where I WASN'T the hired help!
Shoot. I know that. But I didn't realize anyone else was paying attention....
Perhaps you were helpFUL?
Happy Birthday Tim. I can think of no wise-ass thing to say. Of course, the night is young.
Oh I'm ALWAYS helpFUL! In so many ways!
Gosh, thanks guys. It's also Nixon's Bday.

Kim, the problem with the t-shirt is that it's Duke blue.

I recall that Nell and I had many scenes together over the years as reliable character actors. I also recall she and GD had to kiss in a scene at some point??
I cannot EVER recall kissing Mealy. Really. Not in real life, not onstage. (Sorry Geoff.)
"The problem with the t-shirt?" I post a tribute, and I get "the problem with the t-shirt?!?!" So, you want to be apologizing into the next decade, too? Man, tough crowd, class of '78. I'm going younger from here on in.
Didn't the t-shirt came from a Duke alumnus? Perhaps a little cross-town rivalry at its finest?
The t-shirt is nice even if it is Duke blue; the hat is lovely.

What about Geoff's starring vehicle in jr high; wasn't there a love scene in it?
Nell, for heaven's sake, he seems to have some fantasy about this. Just make something up.
Ahhh--you must be referring to "Kissing Rock Lane"--famed teen hangout of Swingin' High coeds. The big love scene there was, I believe, shared by Wendy Davis and Jim Shoff.
I remember Geoff and I ALMOST kissed when he was Colonel Pickering and I was Eliza Doolittle, but that dastardly Henry Higgins was just all over me, so it never happened. Shame. He would have been a better boyfriend, I'm just sure of it!
Well, if we're talking about ALMOST kissing...that's a different story.
Oh yeah, if I had a nickle for every time I ALMOST kissed mealy

I'm in Nashville right now- I feel a bit pathetic blogging in my hotel room
Are you really in Nashville? Our band played in Nashville once. I loved the live music everywhere. Not just country, either. You should be out!
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