

Sinbad. Any thoughts?

I thought he was hilarious last night on Dancin' with the Stars. My favorite part was when he accidentally stepped on Silver Medalist Sasha Cohen's dress and then he made that really surprised face that he does. Priceless.

I don't know if ya'll are aware of this but, he's 78 on Comedy Central's list of the 100 greatest standups of all time .

Missed it. There was another scintillating Penguin game on the tube. Besides, I'm more a fan of Lewis Black. Maybe it's because I, too, consider the International House of Pancakes my health club.

He is here to deliver his expertly crafted thoughts to a WVU crowd on February 13th.

I'm just sayin'...indeed.

Verbification:: kbboe
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I don't know Eric. Sinbad does this hilarious bit where he talks about a dog and how like dogs sniff your crotch and stuff. Man, he's awesome. He says funny stuff about how Asian people are bad drivers. I mean, when's the last time you saw Lewis Black on a reality show?

Plus, the great thing about Sinbad is that he be trippin', yes my friend, he be trippin'.
Lewis Black. Back in the early 1990s, Mr. Black was an unknown comic who wrote the book for one of the worst pieces of theater ever to hit the boards - a musical called "The Czar Of Rock And Roll". I still haven't gotten the stench of that one off me. One of the actors in the cast absolutely refuses to discuss the show - to this day he'll leave the room if it comes up.

Ask him about it E-man. See what he says.
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