

30 weeks ago at about at this very hour

Thursday, 06/01/06, 11:07 am - post #1
Thursday, 12/28/06, 10:50 am - post #443

30 weeks. 13813 hits (since 06/12/06 - actual number is probably about 14000). 34 countries.

If anyone is keeping score the individual standings are something like this (I came up short but am too lazy to recount - and they are probably all Tim's posts anyway):

Tim- 139
Joe- 78
Ian- 58
Kim- 36
Nell- 28
Liza- 19
Grac(i)e- 17
E-Mann- 13
Ginger- 11
Jeff- 11
Julianne- 7
Anne- 5
DRT- 4
Jennie- 3
Janine- 2
Geoff- 1
Chip- 1

Those are just the original posts. I'm way too lazy to TAB-ulate the responses (that sounds suspiciously like something Liza would do...). I expect most folk's ERA rise with those added, so this isn't really an accurate guage of participation. But probably a good gauge of some psychological need (or lack of it).

Yes, but who had the BEST post in various categories? You know. Class clown, best looking, most likely to succeed...

If we're going to TABulate (har) and imply value based on how many posts - or is the value based on how FEW posts? - then I think we should go back to high school (just this once) and start nominating.
Careful...someone may send you back to work since you are proving you have waaaaaay too much free time on your hands.
Yes, but this is important stuff. It's like foot surgery or something. Just...you know, real important.
And every one was a pithy, quality post that probably brought sudden insight into people's lives, btw.

Besides, how else can I kill time while I'm oncall. It's either this or paperwork.

This is part of the social/network/computing buzz that's the next big thing. I can hardly stand myself, I'm so hip.
I win.
And nobody thanked me for the 10+ hit bubble from Leon Nicaragua.
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