

Stinging ants?

Joe, when did Tabishland become a virtual room for stinging red ants? As I'm sure you know, ants were used by early surgeons as a form of skin sutures. I suspect I could even write a prescription for sterile ants, much like I can for maggots (to debride necrotic tissue) that dear Nell would be happy to fill.

The soft porn picture of some shaman applying ant sutures to a distressed village maiden, is from an "educational book on surgical history" distributed by some drug company back in the sixties. The number of topless models in it makes me curious about how many drug company freebies back then were surreptitiously designed to appeal to prurient interests under the guise of scientific education....

There's a paper in the literature about how many hits a Dermatology site got from creeps looking for it's pictures of genitals and STDs. And for more fun, try googling "Munchausen's by proxy" and "Munchausen's by internet". It's a strange world we live in....

a) those girls look about as "native" as Betty Page

b) My favorite lyric that I ever wrote was from a song called "Danse Macabre" where I rhymed "foxy" with "Munchausen by proxy"

c)I use stinging red ants in my profession too!
I'm pleased to see others share my interest in stinging red ants (aka piss ants).
this blog is so educational. next time I'm in the hospital, I'm requesting stinging red ant stiches!
Hey Axl, red ants and I were thinking about getting the band back together.
I'd be happy to prescribe more of those little blue pills. BTW, do you have any more of those books on medical history?

Nell, any thoughts on how far drug companies will go to win over doctors?
Oh Tim, you DON'T want to hear me rant about that! (Free computers and golf vacations, indeed!) Actually, some drug companies go VERY FAR to win over big pharmacies too. But I didn't mention that.

My favorite "zoo-ceutical" is the leech-those critters are amazing!

And exactly which "little blue pills" do you have in mind?
They've gone much, much further than that box of donuts on a Friday morning...

That was my dad's technique when he called on Gatti Pharmacy. Dad spent 35 years as a sales rep for Parke-Davis & Company. I was one of the few kids at IASHS who could actually say my dad sold drugs for a living.
What is the modern equivalent to the qualude? I really miss those, and fraternity parties and Gino Vinelli ...oops did I type that out loud? Maybe I should try italics.
Eric, I L-O-O-O-VED those donuts!!! Your Dad was so wonderful, he'd send those donuts even when he was on vacation. And he knew everybody's favorite kind. Loved those days.
(Tell him I STILL work with Joe and Chuck!)
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