

TABISHLAND: The Comic part 2

I'm the white Aaron McGruder.

Is that a nun or a Filipino girl? Kim or Liza as the menschy, goody-2-shoes peacemaker?

Howzabout a strip called The Lurkers?

And I have a nappy 'stache, the better to hide behind and create alter-egos wif.

And not to be critical, but it would've been much funnier if the the Filipino nun had asked for potato dim sum from the Hut.
I'm a peacemaker but I'm not goody-2-shoes...it can't be me. I don't think I had a part in this one (*sigh*)
Tim that mustache reference made me realize how good a real one looks on you now and how awful those fake ones looked in high school.
Odd. I thought is was less about being Peacemaker and more about getting boys to buy you stuff. That's not goody-2-shoes in my book.

I just clicked on "FLASH" on the bottom there, not knowing what this means, and the computer gurgled. Did I do something wrong?

Last time I looked my head was more in proportion with the rest of me. So I don't think that's me.

"Hutt" (Jabba) or "Hut" (Pizza)?
I buyz my own stuffz!
I really don't see myself as someone who gets boys to buy her stuff.
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