

6 degrees of Sendracs

Ginger, which Jenkins boy escorted you?

Actually this is the Sadie Hawkins dance and I asked Ron! It was total hero worship, he was the senior class president, the best actor I had ever seen and the funniest human being on earth. See how I am doubled over with laughter. Oh and Tim, those were the jeans.
Joe: is it the body language or the jeans that give Ginger that special sass?

Ginger: any idea how Mark Smith's wide-collared, flower shirt went over among the other kids in the 'hood?
Mark Smith being the resident Hottie - much to Greg's chagrin - could wear anything he wanted to.

I, by the way, hooked Jennie up with her dream date. She expressed her desire and I asked him to the dance for her, subtlety was never my strong suit. She was real mad until she found out he said yes.

Be careful what you wish for...
He actually thanked me at the dance for "Making it all possible."

What the heck does my body language say, spastic, hyper-active,loudy? Ironic how things have changed, I haven't had a date in years... (sob)(haulting inhale) (sigh)(pout)
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