

From a Dr. Day orphan blog

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

All of us have been inspired by Mr. Tabish, but I, along with a few others have quite literally had the course of our lives changed by him. Even before graduation I was already participating in something that would later become my profession, classical ballet. When I told my friends that I was going to be a professional ballet dancer, I imagine they had the same quizzical look on their face as Dr. Weiner had when Tim told him that instead of following in his footsteps to medical school, he had decided to make movies. You see, Mr. Tabish had inspired all of us, each in our own way.

The thing about the stage and theatre, at any level, is that once it grabs you its almost impossible to let it go. It gets in your blood and quite literally changes you forever. Mr. Tabish
didn't teach us Science or Math, he taught us about something much more important; he taught us about life. To this day, when people ask me about who my real and true friends are, I tell them about my fellow actors in high school, I tell them about Sendracs. I mention names like Tim and Eric, and Kim, Jennie and Nell, I mention Kurt and Jeff and Ian. And when people ask me about my teachers in high school, I really can only remember one name, David Tabish.

Art has always been in my blood, I was raised in it, I didn't have a choice, nor would I have wanted one. My mother a concert pianist, my father a violinist and professor, my uncle a world famous violinist, I was destined to have some sort of artistic calling. But how was I to know that having the lead in a ninth grade musical called "Swingin High", which Mr. T. did not direct and I'm sure he's glad of that; was going to change my life forever. How was I to know that from that point forward, I would never quite be the same. And for all of us; how DO we describe the feeling of being on stage to someone who has never had the pleasure, its not just applause, its not just lights and comradarie, and lines and costumes, its something we can't quite put into words; and thats exactly what makes it so special and so rewarding!

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