

King Henry (of IHS...class of 2000, I think)

More WS related links. If you can get into the article there's an audio link on the left margin ("Henry, My Brother"). There, you get a brief interview segment where Matthew Amendt, now starring as Henry V in the Acting Company/Guthrie Theater production, talks about the "very very small coal-mining town" where he grew up, and the "local high school" where, as a small boy, he appeared in shows directed by his mother....

PS: it's such an honor to be blogging with all of you, especially the seniors.

How cool is that! For those of you scoring at home- The Guthrie in Minneapolis is one of the nation's great regional theaters. This is WAY far up the food chain from CSC. I knew his Mom. I think she started teaching at about the same time as Tabishland flourished at IHS. Is that right Jeff? I remember her more from after I was in high school rather from when I was in high school.
Was his mother Susan Amendt? And wasn't she a Purdy?

(word verification is "fartiono", hehe)
Yes, his mom is Sue Purdy Amendt and she was an English teacher after our HS tenure. She directed some shows. I think my sister Mimi was in a few of them. She's retired.

I believe Matt won the Shakespeare scene contest at the Public his senior year in high school.
Mentcle is a very very small coal mining town. Alverta is a very very small coal mining town. There are no coal mines in the town of Indiana. I find that almost as annoying as people saying Tawney O'Dell is from Pittsburgh.
FWIW I acted in the first show Sue (Purdy) Amendt directed at the junior high the first year she worked in Indiana, which is when she started dating Mr. Amendt. So I take full responsibility for any talent her son has.
Goddamn it Joe, you're always taking credit for other people's work. For instance, when are you going to give back that Stanley Cup that you stole? Yeah, Joe- you stole it and everyone knows it.

You know what annoys me? Not people who say Tawney O'Dell is from Pittsburgh, but rather guys who steal the Stanley Cup because they say that the only reason a certain Detroit Red Wings team won in the first place is because this guy came up with all their hockey ideas.

Like, there's such a thing as "hockey ideas!" Joe, for the love of God, give it a rest!

I'm sorry, what were we talking about?

Hi Kim.
Curiously, my Division Chief and close colleague is a Purdy cousin, a fact we discovered a few years ago.

Talk about Kennedy-esque tragedies: Mrs Purdy, elder recently died and her husband has fallen apart. This after losing two sons (car accident and cancer). Sadly, Susan has presenile dementia. Tom (my class) is an architect in Philly and has been left to pick up the pieces... Nice to see this grandchild having some success.
I had such a huge crush on Tom Purdy in Jr. High. He had dark red curly hair, freckles and boy he could Daaaaance!
Ian, you know I check out when you guys start acting up.
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