

Sorry, had to do it.

Neat. Except that I look like the kind of obnoxious teenager that I can't stand now.

(Workload is picking up now, Nell.)
We ALL do Tim! I reiterate my initial comment--we look much better today. It's nice to see Steve and Gretchen. Funny. We all have our own versions of this photo. "Fun times" as the kids say now.
I'm vicariously enjoying this class of '78 summer-of-love-fest. For the record, I think you all are more than dust in the wind! After all you paved the way for the greatness of the Class of '79 and beyond!
PS: congratulations Geoff! It was also great to see a shot of your mom, a very influential teacher for me, at the keyboard.
We love the class of '79, too, Jeff. And '80!

Actually, I thought of you as we were driving west. I remembered what you said about the vast open spaces where you live, and we got a taste of that in Ohio. I LOVED it. I might just come visit you next summer.
Yes, by all means, hitch up your wagon and come out to the Prairie State. There's lots of pasture for the horses and the young'uns can play in the meadows. In August the cornfields stand like walls along the roads and you never know what's around the next corner. In winter, when all the corn's down, suddenly you're reminded of the flat vastness of everything again--like Cary Grant's haunting cropduster scene in "North-by-Northwest." And speaking of movies, if "The Graduate" had been filmed in Illinois the smarmy businessman who took Dustin Hoffman aside to give advice would have said not "plastics," but "corn." Oh yeah, and have I mentioned there's lots of corn out here? There's lots of corn.
Steve looks drunk.
Eric looks like he's saying "Thththat's all, folks."
Kim must have brushed her hair 400 times the night before.
Nell hit the curling iron pretty hard.
I look like the smartass HS dick who needs to be taught a hard but important life lesson before the end of the movie.
GD has a David Cassidy smirk that maybe says "Girls...young girls... think I'm cool."

The faded sepia tones enhance the effect. Not in a misty nostalgic way. But in a "has it really been 30 fucking years" sort of way.
I agree. It sucks. And YET...here we are. There are worse things.

Jeff, that might just work out.

AND for the record, yes Tim, I got up every morning at 6 AM back then specifically to blow dry my hair straight. Now, I won't even brush it.
And also, yes, you were a dick.
I think Tabish must have blocked that photo soon after we did "Sound of Music" because of the do-re-mi-re-do symmetry of the heads in the back row.
Kim--let us know. We'd rev up the crop duster just for you.
Yeah, but am I still a dick?

And if so, well then you're still a pr....pr....pr...pretty nice person.

A GOOD thing about our generation: we got to hear LedZep and Aerosmith(*) the first time around.

(*)Vanessa might recognize them as that oldies band that was big way back in the 90's.
trivia questions:
-based on the tassels is this before or after the ceremony?

-is that Iggy Mendizabal's sister in the background? remember Iggy?

-maybe GD's smiling at the smell of really greasy cheese wafting over from the PitaHow?
When Nell's kids look at that picture, it like when I looked at a picture from 1948 and thought it was from the Stone Age.

Oh, man.
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