

One More....

Just one more thing about the wedding extravaganza that bears mentioning. Eric arrived with an award in hand that he claimed to have found in the basement of IAHS. Geoff has always been irritated that Eric got "Most Dramatic" or "Most Dramatical" Senior year (depending on whether you are reading the High Arrow or Yearbook, and depending on just how bad you want to butcher the English language...) Eric says this consolation trophy was meant to be given to Geoff.

Just how far can you carry a running joke? Turns out almost 30 years. AND, you can carry a heavy trophy in your suitcase to prove it. I hope you can read the lettering.

It's stuff like this that distinguished our table in the restaurant--at every single meal!

(I'm still waiting for my luggage BTW.)
But, we still didn't top our performance as audience members at Ian's play, where we applauded ourselves. I mean, that was setting the bar pretty high, and it will be hard to out-do that.
With the ties and the go-to-hell madras pants, he also deserves Best Dressed.

Nell, can Brad Penrod help?
Thanks for asking Tim/Brad. As a matter of fact, the luggage FINALLY arrived this afternoon and only a little worse for wear. Inspected by the TSA to boot!
Where the hell was it?
Oh. It went to Philly. Almost to the lady in front of us in line in the Pellston airport. On Thursday we were able to con the airport guy in Pellston into giving us that lady's phone number, we called her and somehow got the luggage traced. Frickin' nightmare. BUT, all's well that ends well. I have all my wonderful things back. I missed a sweater and a belt the most I think, plus a shirt I got for Em. And some of the makeup. I still find it disconcerting that I was so attached to some of that stuff. I'll have to work on that.

Oh, and Tim, I can just see the little grin on your face as you played Brad. You almost had me.
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