

How did I manage to find this?

Does this mean anything to anybody?:

Michael Turton said...

Wow! A whole blog devoted to Dave Tabish. He used to be my high school drama instructor. Surtasky was my freshman roommie. I went to HS in Indiana, the last two years, then to IUP.


9:14 AM

Quiet night in the OR Tim?
Best Wishes to the bride and groom !! Been thinking about good old Indiana High after finishing Tawni O'Dell's Sister MIne at the beach this summer.
Yeah, kind of slow so far...

Hi MK. Nice to see you here. Now if only Eric would turn up, it'd be like those dark mornings when the 3 of us did the events sign at the front of the school.

btw, didn't you say you dated Geoff once upon a time? Just another broken heart in his wake.
back the the original question on the post: I knew Mike, Tim. And I know Dave Surtasky. It makes sense to me and possibly no one else.
Was he in your class?

His bio lists him as an English prof (another DRT protege?) and a serious blogaholic.

Random thought: too bad Gene isn't here, he might have really gotten into this bloggy thingy, eh?
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