

Has anyone seen "Dreamgirls" yet?

I'm talking about the Beyonce movie, not the musical. If you saw it, how did you like it; does it compare with the musical? Of course it's not showing in Indiana yet, it isn't even in Greensburg. I'm interested in seeing it, IF it's as good as 'they' say. So let me know.

I'm always leery of anything that gets this much hype as "best of the year" before it's actually released and people-who-aren't-critics (or Oprah) see it. Given the crap that passes for movies these days, the critics seem to have drastically lowered their standards. But it might be great. I probably won't see it though, so let me know if it lived up to its hype when you see it Nellma.
PS it's playing at the theater that's a block from my house in Hill of Squirrels if you decided to come to Picksberg to see it.
I'm heading out the door to see it with Heidi and Isadora. I might want to stand on my seat and yell "you go girl."

but, if I did, I would keep it to myself.

Isn't that the musical where the actors arfe on roller skates?
It turns out that the Movie Theater where I saw the movie has the single biggest weekend receipts for Dreamgirls of any theater in the country- It was packed.

The movie was pretty good. It was glittery and all that and Beyonce is easy on the eyes. I was waiting for a big chase scene at the end- was I dissapointed.

By the way, did you know that the most frequently uttered line in movies is "let's get out of here."?
In the movies, or in the movie theatres?
Nicely done Ms. Coleman.
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