

What's the coolest gift you got this holiday?

None of that "quality time with my family" or "inner peace" crappola. We're talking presents - physical property or stuff you can eat. We all need to know what way cool stuff is out there so we can stock up.

little gun that catapults tiny plastic pigs about 30 feet
bag of snowman poop

former from my wife. latter from my daughter.

talk about having your number...

GPS for my car from hubby, earrings from my son, the book "Cesar's Way" (dog whisperer) from my other son. Did you know dogs run in packs based on heirarchy, but they lie down and rest in groups of breed? Did you know humans are the only beings in the animal kingdom who occasionally, but not in the last two presidential elections, choose leaders based on compassion and wisdom instead of just brute strength?
I urge anyone to see Buddy Guy. He is just amazing.

Where is this Keswick theater?

I got a stovetop cappuccino maker and four bags of Equal Exchange coffees. MMmmmmm....
We got telescoping, swiveling marshmallow roasting forks to use in our backyard fire pit. Very cool.
I see a theme of fire and consumables developing here.

And E-mann, quiet about the Fair Trade coffee - there be Starbucks fans here.
I think the Equal Exchange coffees taste a bit better than $tarbuck$.

..not to provoke anyone who may, or may not, be playing their new Battleship game...
Hey now. I'm into fair trade, the Red program, rescuing animals, organics-- all that stuff. I just got excited when Indiana caught up with the rest of the world.

The Equal Exchange coffee sounds terrif!
I asked for peace on earth, goodwill to men and the new Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton CDs.
Gee Tim, I had you pegged as more of a Gwen Stefani groupie.

Justin's CD showed up here, although not as a gift from me.

Marshmallow roasters came from Restoration Hardware. The listing says "no longer available online", but the stores may still have some in stock. BTW, this is one of my favorite stores/websites--they always have neat things.
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