

Week 1 Update of Holiday Programs

Well, we've almost made it through week one. How did BF's concert go on Wednesday, Nell? And Gracie, how was the big band program? Liza, we'll be thinking of you and the bell choir in Metuchen on Saturday! I had two programs on Tuesday (HM) and two gigs yesterday...Ike girls at Rustic Lodge with the Garden Club...we got applause before we even sang our Santa Baby rendition...when we pulled out the feather boas the 300+ ladies went crazy! Then last night the HM girls sang in freezing blizzard conditions on Philly Street for a crowd of...you guessed it...their own parents! But the Tony Boiano family of Michael B shoes (where Brody's used to be) provided hot cocoa and choc. chip cookies, which made us all a lot warmer! We all had a great time!

And, just for everyone's info, the Indiana Players opened a junior show of The King and I last night. It was a really nice show...the first I've seen in the new venue on Philly Street in the old Yosurack's Gym. The leads were junior high age, and there were lots of kids. It will run for two weekends.

Well, that's your hometown update for the week! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Julianne, I was walking down Philadelphia Street this summer and saw the new Indiana Players space, whay was it before it was Yosurack's Gym? Do you know?
Of course I meant "what" not "whay"
I'll answer for Julianne, it that's okay. I think it was a Chinese take out place and before that (maybe WAY before that) a Rite Aid or some other drug store.

The BF band/choral concert went well. It was very cute. I love to see the kids at this age (10-12 years). The girls are quite mature and love to show off their bods. The boys are still like little kids. It's amusing and endearing.
SOMEHOW - and I don't know how - I have a black folder that says "A Capella" on it. Want me to look for the Holly and the Ivy?

Congrats to all of you and the kids!
I have a black "A Capella" folder too, courtesy of Steve. I'd like a copy of "The Road Not Taken" if anyone has that. I'll check for "The Holly and the Ivy" too.
Well, Gracie, come to concert and hear it again!
I was only ever in A Capella for one year- but I have not recollection of any of the music. (I think maybe I wish I did). I only remember "County Chorus" with about 80 of us white folks singing "Ease on Down The Road" from the Wiz.

Yeah, we ooooozed funk.
I always loved that arrangement of The Holly and the Ivy, also. I think our arrangement was an Alice Parker one. I have a large "one copy" collection that I was given during my pre-student teaching experiment in a similar choral program in Lancaster. I will dig through it to see what I can find. I'm pretty sure I have that Randall Thompson arrangement of The Road Not Taken, also.

Nell's guess is as good as mine on what was in that building before Yosurack's. I am wracking my brain, and I can't remember. I'll ask my folks when I see them next week.

I think the conductor auction is such a fantastic idea! Your hall is so beautiful! There are advantages to being the back row, you know! I was always in the front row of the Mendelssohn Choir, and I had to wear earplugs during (yes, during) some of our performances, because I was right behind the gong...(crash) "Oh For-tu-na...".

Ian...I can totally remember you and the guys in Acapella singing "No whales, no whales, no whales..." Do you remember that? That was in Masters in this Hall.

I am so happy to hear about everyone's programs! Even though the Advent/Christmas season is my craziest time of the year, I LOVE Christmas music!!!!!
Julianne I realy don't. I didn't read music then and so I think most of my time was spent trying to stand as close to Jeff Magee or Dave Putt as possible and try to sing whatever it was they were singing and hoping there wasn't too much of a delay.
There's a lot of stuff I don't remember, either. However, it's fun to remember the stuff that I DO remember! I know that I loved singing in Acapella! That's a really nice thing about this blog. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't be thinking about that part of my past.

I wonder if Chip remembers the whales-thing? Does he ever check in?
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