

Perhaps this will get Kim in a snit....

It will certainly give her another reason to be happy she's vegetarian. (But she's ovo-lacto, so it will still affect her.) I'm upset because the gov't. is NOT requiring any special labeling of these products. We can't even caveat our emptor on this one.

Great. Now I'm not only moving to Canada, I have to become a vegetarian. Thank goodness that global warming thing is just a hoax....
The situation with food in general is such a mess. You know what I think of ? Lycopene. The stuff in tomatoes they recently discovered fights cancer. Or the chemical in soda that prevents calcium absorbtion, causing osteoporosis in thousands of women. How many things LIKE that are we taking out of wheat when we make white bread, or creating when we eat chemical laden food? We don't know what we're doing. The more you mess with food, the more you mess with the natural disease fighters and the things that make us healthy. Who the hell knows what cloned cow meat does or does not have in it? In addition to hormones and antibiotics, etc. etc. It really isn't good stuff.

Interested, but not, I'm afraid, in a snit. Next?
Kim, I DO know what *can* get you in a snit, but I wouldn't do that to you!
Oh, indeedy you do, darlin.'
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