

Sgt. Schultz from Hoagn's Heroes

I had to get that picture off the top of the blog, so ...

the lovable Sgt Schultz from Hogan's Heroes. How can we really hate facism and nazis if we get to know Schultzie? See, they weren't all bad. Some were cute and adorable.

Share your favorite Sgt Schultz story!

Still, sometimes when we sing in German, I am reminded of Schultzie. Rauschen des Festes seid nun entronen!

I'll have to think of a favorite story, though.
Schultzies' buddy, Bob Crane, dies in a cheap motel with a suitcase of porn videos of himself nearby. I'm not sure if that's my favorite story, however. Remembering the show did help me find the deeper essence of my character for the SOM though.
I always thought the Bob Crane thing was so sad. Porn or no.

Werner Kelmperer, who played Col. Klink, was the son of a famous conductor, Otto. Werner persued a serous musical career after Hogan's Heroes. In his bio, which was several paragraphs long, it NEVER mentioned Hogan's Heroes. Which was probably not a shock, but was funny none-the-less.
Werner was in Judgement in Nurenburg. Great movie. Spencer Tracy gives an acting lesson (which is weird as he's supposed to be a judge, not an acting teacher)
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