

Ladies, I'd like to introduce you to.....

Mr. Tim Weiner's butt. In tight jeans. Photo from the Ginga Gene collection.

I think this is actually Ty McGary trying to counsel to some cross-dressing PVP player?
Okay...so what is the deal about Ty McGary?...Wasn't he (isn't he) like the most gorgeous man in the entire universe??
I don't know. I have no recollection of what he looked like. I don't remember anything about him, other than he was one of those guys that got a lot of pleasure out of calling us names and making threatening gestures like he was going to hit us, but I don't think ever did.

He was, like, the king of that.

Maybe we all deserved it anyway.
Okay, I'm going back to Jr. High here, but I distinctly remember a crisp, clear fall (or spring) day when school ended and dozens (I almost wrote hundreds) of kids poured across the street to the alley where Ty McGary was aiming to beat someone's brains in. I've always associated the guy with fighting but I'm sure that's unfair...and yet, I googled him and found him in a Gazette photo of Indiana fire fighters dating from 1984. So maybe he's now fighting the good fight. And maybe that's why, last I heard, he was headed for Ian's.
For god's sake Joe it's DOCTOR Tim Weiner's butt; I didn't take that online vet med course for nothing. And b/c of your ignorance, please call me Your Royalness, King of IAHS henceforth.
Ian you can still call me The Dude.
And should the occasion arise, it will be DOCTOR Mealy's butt. Are we clear?

And Ginger, so what did you guys call EJ.....huh?......huh?
All right you wand-wavers! I've had it! Six hours after I kick Gallanar's butt, I'll be knockin' down your door to kick your butt, Weiner. McKnee lives too far away, but I'll be waiting for him to show his face in Indiana and then I'll kick his butt, set him on fire, call the fire department, and be the first at the scene to put out the fire by kicking his butt again.

As soon as I find out who Neen is, I'm going to send her a dozen roses cause she obviously is a fine fine fox with discriminating taste in men.

Unless Neen is a man, then I'll kick his butt.
"to err is human, to kick butts, devine"- Classy Freddy Blassie circa 1974
Oh Dr. Tim or BUNZ as Lisa and I called you during and after Shrew,
there will be no revealing of Eric's nickname until he actually gets his butt on this blog!
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