

Did Mr T plagarize his wise sayings?

The muscle for Bos's dad at the JH was this guy. Straight out of "Ferris Bueller". But the interesting thing is the quote, which looks suspiciously like the stuff MISTER Tabish used to foist on us. "No "I" in team", "Do it for the Gipper", etc. Was he really stealing Mr Hough's mojo the whole time?

I thought Eric was getting the mojo.....
This guy looks like he should be starring on Medical Center , but deep down he still provokes fear in me- a fear rooted in the lizard part of my brain.

Or does he look more like a minor figure in the Nixon Administration? Did Donald Segretti have an assistant? Was he our Asstistant Principal?
I have never seen or heard of this man in my entire life...where was I?
Or was it just that I never had to visit the office in my entire school career??? Ian???...well, there was that one time with MISTER Duffy...
Um... I spent some time in the office.

My favorite two times were when I put up signs with Swastikas all around the school that said "support the new school discipline policy" that caused an argument at the weekly faculty meeting. This was followed by the time when I got in trouble for wearing a Sex Pistols T-Shirt to school with the picture of a decapitated almost naked-girl. Someone in authority wanted to send me home. Instead, I solved the problem with a black magic marker- apparently the decapitation was far less a problem than the almost nakedness
Well, sure, everyone likes a good decapitation t-shirt.
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