

Cool, clear water...

It is time again for the annual blog post! In this hot summer, how are you guys keeping cool? Outdoor theatre? Camping? sailing? Beach trips? Has anyone taken a cruise that includes outdoor theatre and camping on a beach? Surely, someone has done this...



Soup is simmering!

Just a few days left of summer and the onslaught of soup season! What will be the first in your soup bowl?


I feel that there should be at least one post per year, to 'keep the blog alive' so to speak.  I have no delusions that (m)any people will read this, and that's okay.  Felt like sharing.  This cool little piece actually comes by way of the fantastic Weiner clan.  It caught my fancy because I simply adore Pink Martini's music.  Never actually had a pink martini...I prefer mine dirty and vodka based.  Cheers!



New comment on the GH page

Since you probably don't comb the comments, there is new writing about Gene at the link above.



Getting My Groove On

It's not Bande a Part but it's a close second. Enjoy y'all! :)





A joke

A doctor, a teacher, a pharmacist, a singer and a director walk into a bar…

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